Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Book Review: Trusting God When Bad Things Happen

From the Author, Shelley Hitz

Trusting God When Bad Things Happen
Guest post by the author, Shelley Hitz

My heart continues to be heavy for all those grieving today across our country. I don’t believe it was a coincidence that I published a book this past week called, “Trusting God When Bad Things Happen.” And even before the tragedy in Connecticut, I felt led to offer it free on Smashwords this month.

Trusting God In The Midst of the "Storms" of Life

When bad things happen, what is your reaction? Do you trust God even when you don't understand?

There was a dark season in my life when it literally felt like an earthquake had occurred. Everything in my life seemed to be falling apart...my family, my finances, our church. And I asked God the simple question, "Why?" This book is the result of my own search for answers. In the end, God gave me illustrations that I will share with you and brought healing to my heart and my distorted view of Him. I was able to trust Him again, even though my circumstances had not changed.

I pray that God uses this short eBook to deeply impact you as well. I have included questions for reflection for you to go through individually or as a group.

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I (Jesus) have overcome the world!" - John 16:33

One Reader’s Response:

"This book has Biblical answers to the 'Why?' we are hearing so much today after the shooting tragedy in Connecticut. Thank you, Shelley, for the timeliness and wisdom." ~Barbara

Download This Book for Free
For anyone interested, you can download the book "Trusting God When Bad Things Happen" FREE this month.

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/263666
100% Off Coupon Code: HB95F
Expires: January 1, 2013

This book is also available for $0.99 on Kindle http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ALLQW5A

Please feel free to share this book and coupon code with anyone you think could benefit from the topic.

The Belly Acres Review

Hitz is a highly experienced mentor and guide for those of us who struggle to find answers to all the "whys" in the world.  Hitz uses examples and questions from her own struggles and the struggles of others with whom she extendeds a physical or virtual shoulder or hand during those times when we most need a point in the right direction.

One of the main reasons I related well to Trusting God When Bad Things Happen is that it is a rather brief, conversational style with gentle references and "points" to Biblical and scholarly references.  Since the "why" answers vary as widely as the individuals who pose the questions, I'm quite happy that there was no attempt to define a single concrete answer.  Many times, there is no concrete answer, and even if an answer exists, God may not plan for us to know those answers just yet.

Hitz uses stories and analogies to help the reader truly identify the "bad things," then points the reader in the right direction to explore grace, healing, and even understanding through God's gentle Word.

Yes, I do recommend Trusting God When Bad Things Happen, especially now, during this recent period of stunned grief and loss, and while Hitz is generously offerring a free ebook copy from Smashwords.  (See the author's guest post above for the coupon code and details.  Smashwords provides multiple formats for ebooks, so you can download your preferred file, ePub/Nook, mobi/Kindle, etc.)

The author encourages sharing the coupon code for the free ebook, so feel free to share this blog post/information with friends, family, and your church librarian.  Even after the coupon code expires, most of Hitz's inspirational/guidance ebooks are priced very reasonably, so churches and mentors can affordably use them to help guide us to God through our struggles.

Trusting God When Bad Things Happen is also available for purchase on Amazon.


Thank you so much for taking the time to share about my book and your review. I appreciate it and pray that the short eBook helps many.

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