Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dove Real Beauty Sketches and the AHA Moments

Yes, the YouTube video is a commercial, but it’s much more than JUST a commercial.  It deserves 3 minutes to enjoy the beautiful aha moments and to enjoy the heartwarming experience.

AHA – Visual Artists Are Artists of All the Senses and Language

I never cease to be amazed how artists can translate words, feelings, and emotions into amazing images.  One sketch…one visual (well, two in this example) conveys all the descriptions and emotions perceived and projected by both the subject (who the artist never “saw”) and the third party.

It’s just amazing to watch the artist create such a meaningful and powerful visual image with no visual reference or stimulus.

AHA – Why Do We Mute Our Self Image?

Listen to the descriptions from the subject.  They are very muted, unsure, and at times, almost derogatory.  It makes me wonder if the internal self-image is accurately conveyed through the descriptions or if we innately diminish our self-image when communicating to others. 

Are we taught to brag or be humble?  Does humility mean that we can’t describe our physical features in a more positive light?  …not bragging, but in “nicer” terms like a distinguished solid chin rather than just a big chin as my mother told me?  Wouldn’t a petite button nose be the same thing (but sound nicer) than a stubby little piggy nose?

AHA – People Wear Rose Colored Glasses More Than Expected

It also warms my heart that descriptions from a third party were consistently more pleasant.  We all worry so much about how others see us that it’s kind of nice to see this demonstration of how they often see us in a much better light than we see ourselves.

How We See

I’m sure I could write multiple blog posts about facial features, expressions, emotions, and how we and others perceive shapes and symmetry.  Fortunately, there are already amazing teachers and volumes available for the intricate details of all those factors. 

For now, I think I’ll just enjoy sharing this video with you.  In fact, I think I’ll watch it again…just because it makes me smile.  J



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